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De repente, a garrafa traz um líquido escuro
Latejante, que une seus dedos, à imagem do seu homem.
In dismay, he believes that she is ahead of his time
And wonders if their relationship has a future.
It is a nice park, with foundational trees, deep roots
Archived into the ground. Her tears are displaced.
Ele estava com a sensação de que algo lhe faltava
Depois da noite de ontem. Era um assunto pessoal,
que lhe pertencia.
Desde a separação, o vazio era nublado,
E as chuvas pareciam ecos do seu interior.
What must she be doing on a Saturday morning,
By herself? It is hard to end a relationship in the end.
After seven years, there are many wrinkles and
Many possibilities of skin, in between two hands together.
Poem published in Zona de Carga/Loading Zone