Soothing Sensation

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All these years,

and I have been talking to you

as if I wasn’t here.

Touching my body at night

realizing it has edges

borders underknown by me.

Just like a mirror, I expecting

your hand to show me what is skin.

Seduced by all the mothers who fell in love 

with the child I did not become.

So simple to have lightening,

soothing sensations, when underwater. 

Or no longer afraid other people will see my desire 

on the ground, readjusting to what feels like a slap. 

We are not alike; I tell the sun hit by the rush of cement.

I’m more like an empty pool holding vigil in a nameless

city, praying for jumps in midair. 

Official Selection of Canada Shorts 2022. Award of Commendation, Canada Shorts 2022.